Keto Lite  Should be supplemented ok so now we know all about some of the conditions and diets that may potentially be linked to an increased risk of hypothyroidism let's take a brief look at the next question that you might be having how do I get diagnosed so a proper diagnosis for hypothyroidism can only be made with a medical professional and it will involve blood work to test your t t and TSH if there's a suspicion of Hashimoto's you might also get your antibodies tested and it's possible your doctor will also want to test for an iodine deficiency which I want to be clear is pretty rare in industrialized societies okay now that we got those questions out of the way let's move on to the juicy stuff how does hypothyroidism affect your weight and your appetite now as mentioned previously the thyroid is key in maintaining a healthy metabolism and energy balance both of which closely regulate our natural weight when thyroid function is diminished we someone see a corresponding decrease in the body's metabolic rate and sometimes.


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